Sunday, June 18, 2017

A Father's Day

Thank You, Lord, for daddies
And dads,
And papas,
And pops
Who trade Sports Illustrated
For Goodnight Moon,
And a tee time
For tea time.

Thank You
For the available.
For ballet recitals and band concerts
And Scouts and science fair volcanoes.
For twilight games of catch,
Multiplication tables,
And bleacher prayers
For, please Lord, just one hit.

Thank You
For the steadfast.
For choosing the good "No,"
Over the bad "Yes"
Even when it hurts.
For tempers held
Over dented fenders,
And tears shed for broken hearts.

Thank You, Lord, for the daddies
And dads,
And papas,
And pops
Who keep their eyes on You.
Please carry them
In Your strong arms
When theirs grow tired,
And give them a glimpse
Of their true legacy.